Simultaneous Determination of Two Major Triterpenoid Saponins: Celosins Ⅰ and Ⅱ in Celosiae Semen by

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Objective To establish an analytical method for the simultaneous determination of celosin Ⅰ and celosin Ⅱ, two major triterpenoids in Celosia Semen and compare the contents of celosin Ⅰ and celosin Ⅱ from different habitats to screen the resources of elite germplasm for further applications. Methods A sensitive and simple high- performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light-scattering detector(HPLC-ELSD) method was developed for the first time for the simultaneous determination of celosin Ⅰ and celosin Ⅱ. Using this method, 21 batches of Celosiae Semen were determined from different habitats in China. Results There was an obvious difference in the contents of celosin Ⅰ and celosin Ⅱ among Celosiae Semen species from various habitats across China. The crude drug from Yongzhou, Hunan province, Zhuhai, Guangdong province, and Nanning, Guangxi province showed the highest contents of all habitats, while Anguo, Hebei province, Haidian, Beijing, and Zhengzhou, Henan province showed the lowest content. The results also showed that geographical location had a great influence on the contents of the two compounds. The batches from lower latitudes were higher in contents of celosin Ⅰ and celosin Ⅱ. Conclusion The sun light may be a key factor influencing the contents of the two saponins, indicating that the environment has a great impact on the quality of Celosiae Semen. Objective To establish an analytical method for the simultaneous determination of celosin I and celosin II, two major triterpenoids in Celosia Semen and compare the contents of celosin I and celosin II from different habitats to screen the resources of elite germplasm for further applications. Methods A sensitive and simple high performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light-scattering detector (HPLC-ELSD) method was developed for the first time for the simultaneous determination of celosin I and celosin II. Using this method, 21 batches of Celosiae Semen were determined from different habitats in China. Results There was an obvious difference in the contents of celosin Ⅰ and celosin Ⅱ among Celosiae Semen species from various habitats across China. The crude drug from Yongzhou, Hunan province, Zhuhai, Guangdong province, and Nanning, Guangxi province showed the the highest contents of all habitats, while Anguo, Hebei province, Haidian, Beijing, and Zhengzhou The results also showed that geographical location had a great influence on the contents of the two compounds. The batches from lower latitudes were higher in contents of celosin Ⅰ and celosin Ⅱ. Conclusion The sun light may be a key factor influencing the contents of the two saponins, indicating that the environment has a great impact on the quality of Celosiae Semen.
作者简介:徐静(1983-),内蒙古呼和浩特人,西北政法大学法律硕士教育学院 2011级法律硕士(非法学)。  【摘要】有限责任公司具有资合与人合性的特点,而人合性的特点就决定了必须要对股东转让股权的行为进行限制,因为这是保障公司健康运行所不能缺少的。另外我们也可以在合法的前提下,通过制定公司章程来更好地规范股权转让行为。虽然公司法对股东转让股权的条件和程序做出了规定,但还不够明确和具体,这势必会
摘要:由于专业的影响,有些高职院校班级是纯女生班,她们由于受年龄、家庭、学校、社会等各方面因素的影响,在管理方面存在诸多困难。本文分析了高职护理女生班级存在的问题,探究问题的根源,结合工作实践经验,提出了高职院校护理女生班级管理有针对性的策略。  关键词:高职院校;女生班级;管理策略  有的高职院校,由于专业的特殊性,所招的学生几乎是纯女生。这些班级的女生由于年龄、家庭、社会因素,和混合班相比,在
摘 要 近年来,我国青少年犯罪日益出现出主体低龄化、手段成年化等特点,成为影响社会治安的严重社会问题。从犯罪生态学视角对青少年犯罪现象进行社会生态分析,提出构建新型社区治安工程来遏制和消除青少年犯罪,对于改善我国治安状况,维护社会稳定发展,确保青少年一代健康成长有着深刻的理论和现实意义。  关键词 青少年犯罪 新型社区 社会生态  作者简介:吴晖,厦门市集美区人民检察院检察员。  中图分类号:D9
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作者简介:章守天,男,山东济南人,山东大学法学院硕士研究生,研究方向:民商法学。  【摘要】司法裁判的公正离不开被害人的参与,被害人的量刑参与权对法律正义的实现和诉讼的经济等也有着显著的意义。本文主要探讨被害人量刑参与权的基本内容。  【关键词】被害人;量刑建议制度;量刑参与权  一、概念  被害人的量刑参与是指被害人在综合考虑被告人的犯罪事实、被害人的受害情况、量刑情节及相似案例的基础上,就被告
作者简介:张云霄(1988-),女,河北怀来人,西北政法大学2011级法律硕士(非法学)研究生。  【摘要】公司法第72条涉及股东的对外股权转让,其他股东的同意权和优先购买权及权利行使要求等相关问题。本文通过阐述我国公司法第72条的立法目的、价值追求以及其后蕴含的法理基础,剖析了该法条的进步与不足。  【关键词】股权转让;同意条款;优先购买权  一、该法条的价值——实现股东股权转让的相对自由,维护