一、列车上的“神医” 人的一生总要经历一些不寻常的事情,有时可能是偶然巧合,有时却也未必如此。 1987年春天,南下的一列火车上,坐着一位不大显眼的妇女,她齐耳短发,秀眉大眼,一副慈祥,温和善良的表情。她双手合十,双目半睁半闭,安静地盘坐在座位上。 车轮滚滚,车内人声嘈杂,突然从喇叭中传出急切求助的声音:“第8车厢有位重病人,请会治病的旅客快来抢求……”这声音振撼着车厢内千百旅客,那位盘坐的妇女立即将手搓了几下,抹了几次脸就离开座位,朝着8号车厢走去。
First, the “God doctor” on a train has to go through some unusual things in his life, sometimes by chance, sometimes not necessarily. In the spring of 1987, on a southbound train, there was an uncomfortable woman who was short-eyed, had a big eyes, a kind, gentle and kind expression. Her hands clasped together, eyes closed half-closed, quietly sitting in the seat. Wheeled, the car was noisy, suddenly heard from the speaker urgently asked for help: “The eighth compartment has a serious patient, please treat the passengers come and grab ... ...” This voice shook the train thousands Hundred travelers, the sitting woman immediately rubbed his hand a few times, wiping his face a few times to leave the seat, walked toward the No. 8 compartment.