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2015年,我国出现多次强降雨过程,西江、太湖、淮河发生超警戒水位洪水,一些中小河流发生超历史记录的大洪水,有6个台风登陆,江南华南发生罕见冬汛,部分地区暴雨山洪、城市内涝灾害严重。北方冬麦区及南方部分地区发生冬春早,华北、东北、西南等地发生夏旱。在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,国家防总、各流域防总超前部署、科学调度,地方各级党委、政府和防汛抗旱指挥部精心组织、全力应对,各有关部门紧急动员、密切协作,广大军民团结奋战、合力抗灾,取得了防汛抗旱工作的全面胜利。 In 2015, there were many heavy rainfalls in our country. Over-warning flood occurred in the Xijiang, Taihu and Huai rivers. Some super-historical floods occurred in some small and medium-sized rivers, with 6 typhoons landing and rare winter floods in southern South China. Rainstorms and flash floods occurred in some areas , Serious waterlogging disaster in the city. Northern winter wheat and some areas in the south occurred early winter spring, north, northeast, southwest and other places occurred in summer drought. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the state prevention and prevention departments have made advance deployment and scientifically scheduled their work. The party committees and governments at all levels and the flood control and drought relief headquarters have meticulously organized and dealt with in an all-round manner. All relevant departments have mobilized and cooperated closely, The vast numbers of military and civilian personnel united hard to make joint efforts to fight the disaster and achieved an all-out victory in flood control and drought relief work.
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