我区部队由于认真贯彻“预防为主”的卫生工作方针,狠抓了卫生防病工作,部队昼夜发病率逐年下降,连续8年未发生烈性传染病,并杜绝了食物中毒.1989年被全军爱卫会办公室评为“卫生防病先进单位”.现将我们的主要做法介绍如下:1 了解信息,早作预防我区部队居住分散,且点多面广,给卫生防病带来了一定困难,加上经常性的人员流动,增加了各种传染病传播的机会.针对这种情况,我们及时主动与驻地防疫部门挂钩,尤其是每年7~9月传染病高发期,及时了解疫情信息,并随时将病情通报所属部队.例如1984年8月部队驻地二号病暴发流行,我们立即组成了防病小组,深入疫区进行现场调查,根据疫情情况,采取了多方面的预防措施.并利用各
Due to earnest implementation of the principle of “prevention as the mainstay,” our military forces pay close attention to health and disease prevention and control, and the incidence of diurnal diseases in the armed forces has been declining year by year. No serious infectious diseases have been reported for eight consecutive years and food poisoning has been put an end to. Is the “All-China Health and Disease Prevention and Disease Prevention Advanced Unit” by the All-AIDS Office of the Whole Army. Now we introduce the main practices as follows: 1 To understand the information and to prevent as early as possible the dispersal of living resources in our area and the wide range of points to provide health and disease prevention This has brought some difficulties and the frequent movement of people have increased the chances of transmitting various infectious diseases. In response to this situation, we took the initiative to link up with the epidemic prevention departments of the station in a timely manner. In particular, from July to September, For example, in August 1984, the outbreak of the Second Military Resident Station occurred, we immediately formed an anti-disease team to conduct in-depth investigation into the epidemic area. Based on the epidemic situation, we took various measures Preventive measures