W(VI)的测定,大多采用重量法和光度法。1981年高鸿等发表了《交流示波极谱滴定法测定钨的研究》。本文在此基础上进一步研究了钨矿石中钨的测定条件。结果表明:方法准确、简便、快速。将钨矿石用过氧化钠熔融后,加水,干过滤部分试液,调整pH,加入过量标准铅溶液,然后用EDTA标准溶液滴定过量的铅,用示波图的变化来指示滴定终点。 1.主要试剂与仪器 标准钨溶液1毫升=10毫克WO_3:准确称取14.22克钨酸纳(Na_2WO_4·2H_2O),用
W (VI) determination, most of the gravimetric and photometric methods. In 1981 Gao Hong published “exchange oscillopolarographic titration of tungsten research.” Based on this, this paper further studies the determination of tungsten in tungsten ore. The results show that the method is accurate, simple and fast. The tungsten ore melt with sodium peroxide, add water, dry the filter part of the test solution, adjust the pH, add excess standard lead solution, and then EDTA standard solution titration excess lead, with oscillometric changes to indicate the end of the titration. 1. The main reagents and equipment standard solution of tungsten 1 ml = 10 mg WO_3: Accurately weighed 14.22 grams Na (Na_2WO_4 · 2H_2O), with