转让信用证是一种特殊的信用证,在国际贸易实务中,人们对它的研究还是比较少的。可转让信用证系指信用证的受益人(第一受益人)可以要求被授权付款、承担延期付款责任、承兑、议付的银行(统称为“转让银行”),或当信用证是自由议付时,可以要求信用证中特别授权的转让银行,将该信用证全部或部分转让给一个或数个受益人(第二受益人)使用的信用证。举个例子, 中国台湾地区的商人(第一受益人)充当中间商的角色, 大陆的进出口公司(第二受益人)为实际的供货商。第
The transfer of letters of credit is a special letter of credit, in the practice of international trade, people are still less research on it. Negotiable L / C means the beneficiary (first beneficiary) of the L / C that may require the bank authorized to make the payment, bear the deferred payment obligation, accept acceptance, negotiate (collectively, the “Transfer Bank”), or if the L / C is free In case of payment, the transfer bank specially authorized in the credit may be required to transfer the credit, in whole or in part, to a letter of credit used by one or more beneficiaries (second beneficiary). For example, traders in Taiwan (first beneficiary) in Taiwan, China, act as middlemen, while mainland importers and exporters (second beneficiaries) are actual suppliers. No.