湖北恩施土家族苗族自治州成立于1983年12月1日,是我国最年轻的自冶州。建州11年来,在各部门的大力支持和帮助下,经过全州368万各族人民的共同努力,取得了“解决温饱,培植后劲,为系统开发打基础”的阶段性成果。 全州生产总值已由1983年的17.68亿元增加到36亿元,增长1.04倍;大多数群众基本解决了温
Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture was founded on December 1, 1983, which is the youngest self-rule state in our country. In the 11 years since its establishment, with the full support and assistance of various departments and through the joint efforts of 3.680 million people of all ethnic groups in the entire state, it has achieved the initial results of “solving the problem of adequate food and clothing, cultivating stamina and laying the foundations for systematic development”. The GDP of the whole state has increased from 1.768 billion yuan in 1983 to 3.6 billion yuan, an increase of 1.04 times. Most of the people have basically solved the problems of temperature