临床上对于多饮、多食、多尿及体重减轻的患者。易考虑到糖尿病的诊断。而对不典型的糖尿病者,常易漏诊。本文分析52例中老年人糖尿病临床表现,以提高对漏诊原因的认识。1一般资料 本组52例,男31例,女21例。年龄41-75岁,平均58岁。确诊前诊断为脑动脉硬化11例,高脂血症9例,高血压病7例,
Clinically for more drink, eat more, more urine and weight loss in patients. Easy to consider the diagnosis of diabetes. And atypical diabetes, often easy to miss. This article analyzes the clinical manifestations of 52 cases of diabetes in middle-aged and elderly to improve the understanding of the causes of missed diagnosis. 1 General Information The group of 52 patients, 31 males and 21 females. Age 41-75 years old, average 58 years old. Diagnosis before diagnosis of cerebral arteriosclerosis in 11 cases, 9 cases of hyperlipidemia, hypertension in 7 cases,