在庆祝中国共产党成立 77周年之际 ,本刊推出三篇来自基层的典型报道 ,这一组典型中有受到中组部表彰的乡镇党委书记牛德奎 ,有受到广大群众拥戴的旗县领导干部的榜样白玉堂 ,有带领群众脱贫致富的兴隆村党支部 ,他们的共同特点是在新的历史时期 ,为了党的事业勤勤恳恳、开拓进取 ,取得了显著成绩。宣传他们的事迹旨在让广大党员和群众了解他们、学习他们 ,在各自的岗位上建功立业。向典型学习 ,以典型引路 ,促使各项事业蓬勃发展 ,这是我们献给党的生日的最好礼物。
On the celebration of the 77th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, this magazine launches three typical reports from the grassroots level. Among these typical examples are the township party committee secretary Niu Dekui commended by the Central Organization Department and the example of the leading county cadres supported by the broad masses Bai Yutang and Xinglongcun’s party branch leading the masses out of poverty have all achieved remarkable accomplishments in the new historical period, diligently and pioneering for the party’s cause. The propaganda of their deeds is aimed at letting the majority of party members and masses understand them, learn from them and make contributions to their respective posts. Learning from the typical, leading the way, and promoting the vigorous development of various undertakings are the best gifts we give to the party’s birthday.