只要能够找到适当的词语,我们可以用“设计”这门能激起许多人灵感的世界语畅所欲言。马塞尔·万德斯(Marcel Wanders)可能对于很多人而言都不陌生,他于1988年以优异的成绩毕业于Arnhem艺术学院。1996年,他为Droog所设计的Knotted座椅不论在造型、细节或是工艺上都大胆新颖,因此广受众人的瞩目,并由此为马塞尔·万德斯开启了通
As long as we can find the appropriate words, we can use “Design ” This Esperanto can inspire many people inspired free speech. Marcel Wanders may not be strange to many people, and in 1988 he graduated with honors from Arnhem College of Art. In 1996, the Knotted seat he designed for Droog, which is bold and innovative in design, detail or workmanship, gained much publicity and opened the door to Marcel Wanders