
来源 :兰州医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzhi8
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前置胎盘是指胎盘附着于子宫下段或覆盖在子宫颈内口处,位置低于胎儿先露部,为妊娠期严重并发症,是妊娠晚期出血的主要原因,如处理不当能危及母儿生命。我院自1991-1992年共收治前置胎盘36例,理分析报告如下。 临床资料 1.发病率及病因:1991-1992年住院分娩总数4436人,其中前置肥盘36例,占同期分娩人数的0.81%。除1例初产妇无记载外,余35例均有子宫内膜致病因素史,如人流,刮宫,引产等。 Placenta previa refers to the placenta attached to the lower uterine segment or cover the cervix in the mouth, the location lower than the fetal first exposed part of the serious complications of pregnancy is the main reason for bleeding in the third trimester, such as improper handling can endanger the lives of mothers and children . Our hospital since 1991-1992 treated a total of 36 cases of placenta previa, reason analysis report is as follows. Clinical data 1. Incidence and etiology: The total number of in-hospital deliveries in 1991-1992 was 4436, of which 36 were prefloral fertilizers, accounting for 0.81% of the number delivered in the same period. In addition to a case of primipara no records, the remaining 35 cases have a history of endometrial causative factors, such as flow, curettage, induced labor and so on.
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我们在防治地方病过程中,学习总结群众经验,先后用草药羊红膻汤治疗潜在型及慢型克山病九十二例,现初步分析于下:羊红膻(Pimpinella magna L.)又名茴芹,系伞形科多年生草本