我们应用0.5%利多卡因冲洗尿道和膀胱治疗前列腺摘除术后尿路刺激感即有明显便意感及尿道膀胱疼痛这一症状。收到了满意的效果。现介绍如下: 具体方法:用0.5%利多卡因水溶液50ml,每6小时冲洗尿道(用消毒硬膜外麻醉导管插入尿道内冲
We use 0.5% lidocaine flushing the urethra and bladder treatment of urinary tract irritation after prostate removal that there is a clear sense of convenience and urinary bladder pain of this symptom. Received a satisfactory result. Are described as follows: Specific methods: 0.5% lidocaine solution 50ml, every 6 hours to wash the urethra (with sterile epidural anesthesia catheter into the urethral punch