当我们刚刚跨入1994这个联合国确定的“国际家庭年”时,由《家庭》杂志社发起的“全国第四届家庭问题学术研讨会”,于1月6日至9日在广州召开。会议围绕“市场经济与中国婚姻家庭”这一主题,就中国婚姻家庭领域的新变化、新问题,以及如何建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的婚姻家庭伦理道德等问题,进行了广泛的探讨。 与会同志认为,市场经济对人们的婚姻家庭产生着重大的影响。近年来,中国婚姻家庭伦理文化正在发生如下一些变化:一是随着人们个性的解放,自我意识的增强,自由恋爱、自主婚姻不仅普及于城镇,而且在广大农村中迅速流行起来;二是男女平等、夫妻平等、家庭成员一律平等的观念深入人
The 4th National Symposium on Family Issues, launched by Family magazine when we first stepped into 1994 as the UN-designated International Year of the Family, was held in Guangzhou from January 6 to January 9. The conference centered on the theme of “Market Economy and Marriage and Family in China” and discussed in detail the new changes and new problems in the field of marriage and family in China, and how to establish the ethics of marriage and family compatible with the socialist market economy. At the meeting, comrades believe that the market economy has a major impact on people’s marriage and family. In recent years, some changes have taken place in the ethical and cultural ethics of marriage and family in China. First, with the liberation of people’s personality, the enhancement of self-awareness and free love, the independent marriage has spread not only in cities and towns but also in the vast rural areas. Second, Equality, equality between husband and wife, family members all equal concept deeply