
来源 :临床口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ligang_nc2
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以咽侧膨隆为主要症状,侵及咽旁间隙的腮腺深叶肿瘤,临床上较为罕见,在诊断和治疗上颇为困难,且不同于常见的腮腺浅叶和颌后肿瘤。现就我院1975~1982年间经治的4例结合文献对其有关问题作简要讨论。病例报告例1,男,51岁。因咽侧肿块2年余于1980年3月10日入院。患者发现咽部左侧肿块2年余,逐渐增大,有碍吞咽及发音。于发病同年的3月曾诊断为腭部肿瘤,采取口内切口行肿瘤摘除,但未能将整个肿瘤取出。术后病理诊断为混合瘤。术后不久咽侧肿块复发,吞咽梗阻感日趋加重。体格检查:一般情况尚好,血压为190/130mmHg。左侧下颌角后方约3×3×1厘米隆起,中等硬度,不活 With the pharyngeal bulge as the main symptoms, deep parotid tumors invading the parapharyngeal space are rare in clinical practice. They are difficult to diagnose and treat, and are different from the common parotid and posterior mandibular tumors. Now we briefly discuss the related issues in the 4 cases of combined treatment in our hospital from 1975 to 1982. Case report example 1, male, 51 years old. The pharyngeal mass was admitted to hospital on March 10, 1980 more than two years. The patient found that the left side of the pharynx was more than two years old and gradually enlarged, which hinders swallowing and pronunciation. In the same year of March of the same year, he had been diagnosed as an epigastric tumor and he had taken an intraoral incision to remove the tumor. However, the entire tumor could not be removed. The pathological diagnosis was mixed tumor. After the recurrence of the pharyngeal mass, the obstruction of swallowing became more and more severe. Physical examination: The general condition is still good, blood pressure is 190/130mmHg. About 3 x 3 x 1 cm bulge behind the left mandibular angle, medium hardness, not live
SPA本意比利时的烈日镇,随着时代的变迁逐渐成为水疗的代名词,指在医生的全面诊断后制定的水疗疗程,包含泡温泉、理疗等等疗法。目前风行的City SPA只是在都市中SPA的衍生。
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