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对2005年至2013年8月间的全部信贷资产证券化案中不同档次资产支持证券持有人表决权制衡的现行模式进行总结,可以划分为五个模式。五个模式虽然各有不同,但是都具有诸如一般情况分别表决与特殊情况共同表决相结合、较高档次资产支持证券表决权优先性等特征。较高档次资产支持证券表决权优先性并非完全合理,应对其设置严格的条件。对于现行的不同档次资产支持证券持有人表决权制衡模式,仍可以进行优化和改善,进一步区分分别表决和共同表决的情形,以及解决不同档次资产支持证券表决权的优先性问题。 Summarize the existing patterns of checks and balances on the voting rights of holders of notes of different grades in all credit asset securitization cases from 2005 to August 2013, which can be divided into five modes. Although the five models are different, they all have such characteristics as the common case of separate voting and special circumstances common voting and the higher priority of voting rights of asset-backed securities. The priority of the voting rights of the higher-grade asset-backed securities is not entirely reasonable and should be subject to strict conditions. With regard to the current mode of checks and balances on the voting rights of holders of asset-backed securities of different grades, it is still possible to optimize and improve the situation and further distinguish between separate voting and common voting and to prioritize the voting rights of asset-backed securities in different grades.
<正> 单叶重是构成产量的因素之一,而且在某种程度上也与烟叶质量高低有关。一般烟农都认为,叶片重量增加,既有产量,也有质量。究竟单叶重对烤烟产质有多大影响,现仅就一些试