荔枝(Litch chinensis)是南方亚热带常绿果树,原产于我国,已有2000年的栽培历史,目前在我国海南、广东、广西、云南、福建、贵州、四川、台湾等省区均有栽培。荔枝以其鲜艳的色泽,独具的芸香,特有的风味,及丰富的营养深受人们的青睐。杜甫的“一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是
Litchi (Litch chinensis) is a subtropical evergreen fruit tree in the south, native to China. It has been cultivated for 2000 years and is currently cultivated in provinces and autonomous regions such as Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian, Guizhou, Sichuan and Taiwan. Lychee with its bright color, unique Rue, unique flavor, and rich nutrition by people of all ages. Du Fu’s "riding a red concubine laugh, no one knows