该文报道了在一台0.5T/H蒸发量的链条炉试验台上所进行的煤燃烧过程中氟化物迁移、排放规律及抑制生成的研究,试验表明,在链条炉燃烧条件下,约有80%氟将排入大气,采用开发的废弃钙基除氟剂,在燃烧过程中能使除氟率达到45~80%,表明这是一种较理想有潜力的除氟剂.文中还报道了在煤燃烧产生的烟气中气态氟及尘态氟的比例关系.“,”The experimental results of emission and retention of fluorine during coal combustion in a pilot-scale test facility-0.5 tons steam/per hour chain-grate furnace are reported in this paper. The results show about 80% fluorine in coal releases into the atmosphere. A efficient sorbent for retention of fluorine is developed. The sorbent is mainly composed of industrial waste material with Calcium. The experimental results show that the retention of fluorine is related to the kind of sorbent, amount of sorbent, firing temperature. The efficiency of fluorine retention is about 45%-80% for adding the sorbent of 7-12% by wt. In addition, the ratio of gas-fluorine and dust-fluorine in flue gas is obtained.