
来源 :水土保持科技情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gusano1987
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每年8、9月份炎热的天气使美国西北部太平洋沿岸地区种植区夏季休耕地的土壤水分散失量迅速增加。在此进行了一项为期两年的研究,以证实在8月中旬用一种圆筒镇压器对休耕地的残茬覆盖层和裸土地表镇压,看对9月中旬播种期的种植区水分保持是否有益。这种镇压措施增加了表层土壤的密度,从而提高了0.0~0.1m深土层的含水量。但是,进行镇压34天后播种时,已镇压和未镇压过地块间的含水量并无差异,小麦出苗情况也未受到多大影响。残茬覆盖层除了保护土壤免遭风蚀外,在保存种植区水分方面比裸土覆盖层的效果稍好些。这项研究证明,在播种小麦前一个多月镇压夏季休耕地并无益处。因此,这项措施没有得到推广,对于那些容易遭受风蚀的土地来说更没有推广价值。 The hot weather in August and September each year caused a rapid increase in soil water loss in summer fallows in the planting areas of the Pacific Rim in the northwestern United States. A two-year study was conducted here to confirm that surface crushing of the bare stubble and bare land in the fallow was suppressed by a cylinder press in mid-August. The water content of the planting area at mid-September Keep it good. This repression increases the density of the topsoil, thereby increasing the water content in the depth of 0.0 ~ 0.1 m. However, there was no difference in the water content between the plots that had been reprocessed and those that had not been repudiated at the time of sowing after 34 days of repression, and the emergence of wheat was not much affected. In addition to protecting the soil from wind erosion, stubble cover is slightly better than bare earth cover in preserving plantations. This research proves that there is no benefit in suppressing summer fallow land more than a month before sowing wheat. Therefore, this measure has not been promoted, and there is no promotion value for those land prone to wind erosion.
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