超声多普勒开创了无损伤性胎儿监测的新途径.1977年 Fitz Gcrald 首先报道超声多普勒脐动脉血流速记录方法,以观察胎盘阻力及胎儿心肌收缩力.近年来进展较快,已应用于临床.脐带漂浮于透声良好的羊水中,易探测脐血流(吹风样高频音).脐带内有血流相反的两条动脉和一条静脉,用方向性多普勒经高通滤波(100~300Hz)排除血管壁搏动声后能得较纯的动脉血流速波(正向波).实验证明,连续多普勒与脉冲多普勒(后者需配合 B 超)对脐血流速波显示结果相同.方向性连续多普勒血流仪具有体积小、操作方便及能在床边测试等优点,对产科临床有实用价值.仪器与操作:超声多普勒血流仪作为监听血流音之仪器目前较多见,但为测定血流速则必须是具有方向性(双向)功能的连续多普勒血流仪,并能配记录仪.本院自1983年开始有 T—1方向性多普勒血流仪
Ultrasound Doppler pioneered a new way of noninvasive fetal monitoring Fitz Gcrald first reported in 1977 the Doppler ultrasound blood flow recording method to observe the placental resistance and fetal cardiac contractility in recent years has progressed rapidly, Umbilical cord floating in the sound of a good amniotic fluid, easy detection of umbilical blood flow (hair-like high-frequency sound) umbilical cord has two blood flow in the opposite and a vein with directional Doppler high-pass filtering (100 ~ 300Hz) to exclude arterial blood flow wave velocity wave (positive wave) after the vessel wall beating sound.Experimental results show that continuous Doppler and pulsed Doppler (the latter to be combined with B-) on cord blood Velocity wave showed the same results.Direction continuous Doppler flowmeter has the advantages of small size, easy operation and can be tested at the bed, etc., has practical value for clinical obstetrics.Instruments and operations: Doppler ultrasound as Instruments to monitor blood flow sounds are more common, but for the determination of blood flow velocity must be a directional (two-way) function of continuous Doppler flow meter, and can be equipped with a recorder. Since 1983, the hospital has T -1 directional Doppler flowmeter