
来源 :铁道劳动卫生通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowtea1987
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前进型蒸气机车洗炉前须将锅炉內部分余气逐步排掉方可进行工作。由此而产生的噪声可达103~118dB(A),其持续时间长短随洗检机车台数多寡而异。操作因在夜间进行,故严重影响着周围群众的休息和睡眠。三门峡西机务段洗炉组的同志长期来饱尝排气噪声危害,使一部分人出现头晕、耳鸣、失眠、心情烦躁、注意力不集中等,身体健康不同程度地受到影响。为此,该组工人在段领导的支持下,自制了降压小孔涫声器。安装消声器后的排气噪声下降 Forward steam locomotive before the boiler must be part of the remaining gas gradually discharged before they can work. The resulting noise up to 103 ~ 118dB (A), the duration of the washing machine with the number of machines varies. Operation due to the night, it seriously affected the rest of the people around the rest and sleep. Sanmenxia western mechanization section wash stove group comrades have long been full of exhaust noise hazards, so that some people dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, irritability, lack of concentration, etc., to varying degrees, the health are affected. To this end, the group of workers with the support of the leadership of the section, self-made anti-pressure pinhole microphones. The exhaust noise after installing the silencer is reduced
随着社会的多元化,人们的性格也由原来的含蓄变得外向张扬,越来越喜欢展示自己。于是,“晒”成了一个时髦的词,晒幸福、晒才艺等等,大家都像孔雀开屏一样,尽情地晒着自己的快乐人生。  晒,是展示给别人看的,自己不晒出去,别人怎么知道你是幸福的呢?  A周末,大家聚到一起,开始还七嘴八舌热热闹闹地聊天,突然小云说热,边脱身上的貂皮大衣边开始“晒”幸福。她向众人展示身上的外套,幸福地指着老公说:“是他送我的