Plant Regeneration by Callus-Mediated Protocorm-Like Body Induction of Anthurium andraeanum Hort.

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yh920927
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This research aims at developing a plant regeneration system from leaf and petiole explants of Anthurium andraeanum Hort., thereby establish a foundation for mass production and transformation. Using tissue culture technique, the conditions for callus induction, protocorm-like body (PLB) formation and plant regeneration from leaf explants and petiole of A. andraeanum, such as basal medium and plant growth regulator, were investigated. Totipotent callus was induced on a 1/2-strength MS medium containing 0.90 μmol L-1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 8.88 μmol L-1 N6-benzyladenine (BA). The callus exhibited complete hormone autonomy for growth and differentiation of PLBs. This callus proliferated well and was maintained by subculturing on 1/2 MS medium containing 0.90 μmol L-1 2,4-D and 4.44 μmol L-1 BA. On average, 8 protocorm-like bodies could be obtained from a piece of 4 mm callus after being transferred to the 1/2 MS medium with 4.44 μmol L-1 BA after 8 wk of culture. The regenerated PLBs formed shoots and roots on 1/2 MS medium. After 24 wk of culture on these medium, well-developed plantlets for potting were produced. An efficient micropropagation method was established for indirect PLB formation and plant regeneration from leaf and petiole of A. andraeanum. This tissue culture technique, the conditions for callus induction, protocorm-like body (PLB) formation and Plant regeneration from leaf explants and petiole of A. andraeanum, such as basal medium and plant growth regulators, were investigated. Totipotent callus was induced on a 1/2-strength MS medium containing 0.90 μmol L-1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4-D) and 8.88 μmol L-1 N6-benzyladenine (BA). The callus exhibited complete hormone autonomy for growth and differentiation of PLBs. This callus proliferated well and maintained by subculturing on 1/2 MS medium containing 0.90 μmol L-1 2,4-D and 4.44 μmol L-1 BA. On average, 8 protocorm-like bodies could be obtained from a piece of 4 mm callus after being transferred to the 1/2 MS medium with 4.44 μmol L -1 BA after 8 wk of culture. The regenerated PLBs formed shoots and roots on 1/2 MS medium. After 24 wk of culture on these medium, well-developed plantlets for potting were produced. An efficient micropropagation method was established for indirect PLB formation and plant regeneration from leaf and petiole of A. andraeanum.
摘 要:为了顺应新课标的改革趋势,我们国家在体育教学方面不进行的理念创新和实践改革。新型的体育教学观念不再受传统教育理念的牵制。随着国家对素质教育的不断推进,学校对初中体育的素质教学方面更加趋向于提高学生的综合体育素质。本文针对学生在体育过程中可能遇到的一系列约束性的问题,提出了相关的应对措施并为此发表了一些合理的想法和意见。  关键词:初中体育;促进;个性发展;课内课外;实践  一、引言  体育
◆摘 要:随着社会的发展和时代的进步,人们的生活水平逐渐提高,对于教育的关注度也越来越高。而幼儿教育作为教育的开端和初始,在近几年也是备受关注,这也就对幼儿教育的教学质量和教学效率提出了更高的要求。对于幼儿来说,早期的阅读既有利与自身语言表达、认知礼节方面的发展,也有利于形成自己独特的思维方式和思考方法,以此提高幼儿的脑部和智力发育。家园共育是指家庭和幼儿园协调合作共同完成对幼儿的教育,是试下很多
◆摘 要:初高中学生学习课程的重点都有数学,在初中阶段学好数学,为高中打下良好的基础是非常重要的,这对学生的高考成绩也有很大影响。所以,对于初中数学学困生,家长和教育工作者都应当引起高度重视。  ◆关键词:初中数学;学困生;学习成绩提升  学困生是一个老生常谈的话题,特别是对于一门极为抽象性的课程来说,学困生的数目是比较多的,要想帮助这些学困生提高学习成绩,教师首先要在思想上有所转变,一视同仁地对
◆摘 要:大学阶段是学生世界观、人生观树立的关键时刻,大学生心理健康教育工作的主要目的就是为了帮助学生树立正确的价值观,提高大学生的心理素质。高职院校《大学生心理健康教育》课程改革需要根据当下大学生心理变化情况,顺应时代发展的方向进行有针对性的革新,从而实现大学生心理健康教育工作的正常开展。  ◆关键词:高职院校;大学生;心理健康教育;课程改革  1引言  高校大学生心理健康教育工作是从2001年