
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XM201314
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在大巴山腹地一个两县交界的地方,有个鬼岩坡。这里零零落落有几十间土墙房,山大坡荒,地瘦人贫,穷得叮当响。农妇张小英在这山里长大,也在这山里嫁人。但她遇到的事儿怪得莫明其妙,16岁嫁一姓刘的,生一子,4年后丈夫因家庭扯皮,脑筋不转弯儿,一想不通就上了吊。张小英又嫁,“ Dabashan hinterland in the junction of a county where there is a ghost rock slope. There are dozens of wall-lined houses scattered here and there. Zhang Xiaoying peasant girl grew up in this mountain, also married in this mountain. However, she encountered a strange thing inexplicably, 16-year-old married a surname Liu, gave birth to a son, 4 years after the husband of the family wrangling, brains do not turn children, could not find it on the hanging. Zhang Xiaoying married, "