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  NBA teams are increasingly addicted to 3-point shooting. That’s been common knowledge for a while. The feeding of this addiction has changed the way entire offenses are run. Out with the ball-stoppers, in with the ball-movers.
  The sneaky thing about NBA 3s is that they demand cooperation. While only 52 percent of the league’s 2-point field goals involve an assist, 84 percent of 3s involve an assist. As the league increases its appetite for long-range shooting, it must also ramp up its passing. Moving the ball has never been more important, and systems that keep the ball in motion effectively have never been more successful.
  The Denver Nuggets fired Brian Shaw. There is no shortage of indicators that point to Denver’s failures; the Nuggets rank 24th in offensive efficiency and 25th in defensive efficiency — however, given the trends highlighted above, that they also rank last in 3-point efficiency seems particularly salient.
  Overall, the Nuggets convert a measly 31.3 percent of their 3s. How bad is that? Well, out of 103 qualifying players in ESPN’s 3-point efficiency standings, only five players shoot below that mark. So, that’s pretty bad.
  Nobody knows more about coaching trends than Warren LeGarie, an agent who represents seven NBA head coaches and many more potential coaches. I asked LeGarie this week about the interactions between the obvious stylistic evolution of NBA offense and the less obvious shifts in the coaching market.
  “These last couple of seasons, the game and style of play has really changed for the better, exemplified by the Spurs’ domination of Miami in last year’s NBA Finals; the winners have been the fans and the coaches who play that way,” LeGarie says. “The star-ball era, which has dominated the game and major portions of the salary cap for much of the last 10 years, finally seems to be going by way of the dinosaur.”
  “过去几个赛季里,比赛和战术风格真的在朝更好的方向发展,典型就是马刺去年总决赛对热火的统治级表现;赢家是球迷和选择这种打法的教练。”拉加利说,“明星球的时代,在过去10年大多数时候统治比赛、占据薪金空间大头的球风,似乎终于像恐龙一样消失了。”   Mike Budenholzer and Shaw landed first-time coaching gigs in the summer of 2013. Before landing in Atlanta, Budenholzer wrote a dissertation on hardwood egalitarianism at Popovich University; before his time in Denver,Shaw diligently studied Zen and the Art of Superstar Maintenance at Triangle Tech.
  While both apprenticed under legendary masters, their paths have been extremely divergent since taking their helms: Shaw is out of a job, while Budenholzer’s Hawks own the NBA’s best record. Maybe it’s unfair to look for symbolism here, but in the pace-and-space era, coaches are more important than ever.
  Pop quiz, hotshot①: Who’s the best shooter in the NBA?
  A: The open shooter.

  Perimeter success in today’s NBA is as much a reflection of shot quality as it is shooter quality. Just ask Danny Green, whose career has gone from the waiver wire to spot-up legend largely by switching systems. But, if we believe in this “Danny Green effect,” we must also allow for an opposite phenomenon, where players seemingly devolve after changing systems. Shaw’s tenure provides us with a few examples.
  Consider the plight of Wilson Chandler, who has played in Denver for years. In George Karl’s last year in Denver (2012-13), he shot 41 percent from beyond the arc. This year, that figure is way down to 33 percent. Maybe Chandler simply got worse at shooting — or maybe his looks got worse under Shaw.
  When looking at teams’ 3-point efficiencies, you’ll notice that Budenholzer’s Hawks are near the top of the list, trailing only the Splash Brothers under Steve Kerr. Does this mean Atlanta has the best shooters in the league? Well, having Kyle Korver certainly doesn’t hurt, but he typically doesn’t create his own shots. They also feature players like DeMarre Carroll, who shot just 29 percent on 3-pointers two years ago — he’s up to 40 percent this year, essentially exhibiting the inverse effect as Chandler.   要是看球队的三分效率,你会注意到布登霍泽的老鹰几乎接近榜首,仅次于斯蒂夫·科尔手下的水花兄弟。但这是否等于老鹰拥有联盟最好的射手?好吧,拥有凯尔·科沃尔当然不会有害,但科沃尔基本上不会自己创造投篮机会。老鹰队里还有德玛尔·卡罗尔,两年前他的三分命中率还只有29%——今年这个数字是40%,正好是钱德勒效应的对立面。
  And while spot-up threats like Korver have experienced heightened value, what about the coaches who are able to architect a system that allows these guys to flourish? After all, 95 percent of Korver’s 3s this year involve an assist, and though we’re good at teasing out how many of those assists belong to Jeff Teague, we’re less inclined to investigate how many of them belong to Budenholzer. Perhaps just as baseball accounts for “park effects②,” basketball should account for “coach effects.”
  In 2015, the NBA’s best coaches might be the most undervalued human resources in the league. Should Jeremy Lin or Eric Gordon really earn more money than Gregg Popovich? Should Kerr, Budenholzer, and Dave Joerger combine to earn less than Omer Asik? Maybe we’ve traditionally overvalued the impact of players relative to coaches, or maybe the way the game is played now has just heightened the import of tacticians. Either way, the current valuations seem out of whack.
  As Kerr and Budenholzer have most recently demonstrated, sometimes changing the coach can be as effective, or more so, as adding a superstar player or two. But coaching prospects come with tremendous amounts of uncertainty. Shaw was one of the most talked-about candidates in the league for years, while many questioned Kerr’s lack of coaching experience. Kerr has obviously proved the doubters wrong, and the Shaw hype looks unwarranted.
  There’s no arguing that Phil Jackson and Popovich, like Jobs and Gates in the computing industry, loom large over the future of the NBA. Both guys deserve loads of credit for not only winning, but also shaping the way we think about the league. Still, it’s hard to look at the diverging fates of the Nuggets and Knicks versus the Spurs, Hawks, and Warriors and not hypothesize that Popovich’s legacy will have a longer tail, at least stylistically.   毫无疑问,就像计算机界的乔布斯和盖茨一样,菲尔·杰克逊和波波维奇对NBA的未来有着巨大的影响。两个人都配得上大量的赞誉,他们不仅是赢家,还确定了我们看待联盟的方法。然而,看到掘金、尼克斯和马刺、老鹰、勇士的命运对比时,我们很难不去想波波维奇会拥有更长久的影响,至少从风格上来说如此。
  Jackson can always say, “count the rings,” while Pop can always say, “count the proteges.”
  Shaw failed to get his players to coalesce into anything more than a collection of random NBA parts. Certainly, this failure is not unique to him, but that lack of coalescence is nonetheless evident not just in the wins and losses, but also in his team’s low defensive efficiency and terrible perimeter shooting rates.
  Thirty-five years after the league adopted the 3-point line, Bryant’s generation is headed for the exit, while the league is full of upstart millennials who are not only keenly aware of the fact that 24-foot shots are worth 50 percent more than 22-foot shots, but also ready and willing to exploit that margin, no matter what it takes. Well, it takes ball movement, and the league’s best coaches are willing and able to implement tactics that help provide just that, while its struggling coaches are either too stubborn or too out of touch to achieve that perimeter nirvana. To hear LeGarie tell it, the “challenge will be to find the ball-movers instead of the ball-stoppers.” It’s unclear if he’s talking about players or coaches. It is probably both.
  ②park effect是棒球的术语。棒球规则仅仅规定了内野的规格,却没有规定外野的形制,所以同样的球在不同球场可能导致不同的结果。
阿马雷·斯塔德迈尔  1982年11月16日/2.08米/111公斤/PF-C/达拉斯小牛  当小牛在主场以94比127大比分输给勒布朗·詹姆斯的骑士后,阿马雷·斯塔德迈尔再也坐不住了。  “我来这里是为了胜利,但我们距离跌出季后赛只有4.5场了,这是不可接受的。”小斯说,“我们必须找到办法重新集中精神,我们必须关注比赛的所有细节,我们不能用玩笑的心态对待比赛。我们不能在比赛和训练时瞎闹,不能总开
2015年6月,阿迪达斯签约球星达米恩·利拉德再度来华,开启他的第二次中国之行。在加利福尼亚奥克兰长大的他,高中乃至大学时都备受轻视。但如今,他却已经是NBA年度最佳新秀及入选全明星的闪耀明星。纵观其职业生涯,利拉德的每一步表现都能超乎我们的想象。时至今日,阿迪达斯就达米恩·利拉德的中国行再次发布D Lillard 1代全新配色篮球战靴,这款红荧光色球鞋是专为利拉德此次中国行而特别设计。  利拉德
舒适的Roshe run已成为街鞋,Jordan随即也推出了属于Jordanbrand的“Rosherun”,添加涂层的简约鞋面和兼具外底功能的灵活中底,缔造利落简洁的解构式设计。鞋跟 Zoom Air气垫结合柔软鞋垫,以出色缓震性能塑造出色脚感,鞋面添加合成材质涂层轻盈舒适;内嵌式Zoom Air气垫带来轻质缓震效果,人字型抓地底纹保证提供出色的抓地力;EVA泡棉楦头结合Ortholite鞋垫,
说起香烟在NBA的历史,第一个被想到的大概就是有关弗拉德·迪瓦茨的传说。据说迪瓦茨进入NBA后,闲着的时候总会抽上一根。我说的可是半场休息时在更衣室抽哟。  不过在美国人眼里,东欧人大概都是一身烟味。2001年接受丹·帕特里克采访时,迪瓦茨曾经被问到这个问题。  帕特里克:你现在还抽烟吗?  迪瓦茨:不抽了。  帕特里克:你曾经是个烟鬼。  迪瓦茨:是的。  帕特里克:你一天一般抽几包?  迪瓦茨
罗德尼·胡德  1992年10月20日/2.03米/98公斤/SG-SF/犹他爵士  每次来到球馆,身材瘦长的胡德都背着一个粉红色的小书包,看起来格外滑稽。那是爵士老将们专为“整蛊菜鸟”准备的。  爵士本赛季有3名菜鸟,丹特·埃萨姆、乔·英格尔斯和罗德尼·胡德。前面两名菜鸟有时候会偶尔“忘记”老将们的“嘱托”,只有胡德会乖乖地遵从,他甚至说:“这很有趣。我一直期待这个环节,这很酷。”  胡德的出身
如果说,女人都爱高帅富,那雅思敏·杰的喜好绝对算得上异类了。  “大宝贝”格伦·戴维斯是绝对的人如其名,尤其是在火热的粉红女郎面前。这不,在和交往多年的珍娜·戈麦斯离婚不久,他就迅速拥有了新欢,模特雅思敏·杰。  格伦·戴维斯与前妻珍娜相恋已久,两人在2014年新年夜时低调完婚,受邀参加的人并不多。此前两人已经育有一女、现年三岁多的阿玛莉。珍娜也是篮球运动员,曾担任塔夫斯大学女篮队长。两人除了同样
As NBA Schedule-Maker Departs, He Takes with Him an Era League Won’t See Again.  随着NBA赛程制定人离开,他带走的是我们再也看不到的一个时代的传奇。  The memorabilia has been bubble-wrapped—the autographed Willis Reed print, the kits
2015年5月13日, 由中国篮球协会和耐克体育(中国)有限公司联合主办的“中国三对三篮球联赛”首个赛季在北京正式宣告开启。中国三对三篮球联赛作为中国篮协旗下一项新的重要赛事,将进一步推动群众性篮球运动在中国的发展,是中国篮协与耐克公司携手打造的中国最具权威性与专业性的中国三对三篮球品牌赛事,双方将依托赛事广泛而专业的影响力在中国篮球爱好者中不断推广三对三篮球运动与文化。 在启动仪式上,中国篮协和
阿莱克斯·舍维德  1988年12月16日/1.98米/84公斤/PG-SG/纽约尼克斯  2012年伦敦奥运会,阿莱克斯·舍维德大放异彩,于是,森林狼在2013年签下了他,并满怀希望地想让他和里基·卢比奥组成超级国际后场组合。  但明尼苏达人显然低估了这两个人都不会投篮的影响力,于是在去年夏天,菲利普·桑德斯用一份三方交易,把凯文·勒夫送到骑士,也把舍维德扔到了摆烂根据地费城。打过17场比赛后,
亚特兰大所展现的创意已经超越了比赛的胜负。这不仅体现在集锦时刻,更在展演时间,在菲利普球场的地面上。  此时,一场豪华的3D秀正在上演,这场秀是向老鹰永恒的标志性球员,多米尼克·威尔金斯致以最华丽,最迷人的敬礼。这不仅包括了球馆前的雕像揭幕,还包括了半场时的演讲。威尔金斯在言语中,将目前的这支老鹰队比喻成了他对这座城市深爱的象征。  “我希望你们能继续支持他们。”威尔金斯向亚特兰大的球迷们发出了呼