全国第二次地方志工作会议以后,方志续修已逐步提上议事日程。地方志续修要研究的问题很多,下面我结合首届修志实践,着重从方志传承与地情变化的角度,谈一些不成熟的想法。 一、对传统志书续修问题的再认识 地方志续修是一个老传统,又是一个新问题。我国方志源远流长。有?
After the second local chronicles conference, the local chronicles have been gradually put on the agenda. There are a lot of problems to be studied in the rejuvenation of local history. Nowadays, in combination with the practice of the first revision of the records, I focus on some immature ideas from the angle of the local records and the changes of the land conditions. I. Re-cognition of the Problem of Recurring Traditional Chi Book Continuation of local history is an old tradition and a new problem. Local records of our country has a long history. Have?