
来源 :法制与经济(中旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:and113
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民营经济是我国国民经济的基本组成部分,其运行和发展受到外部环境和自身状况诸多因素的综合作用。从内、外部同时入手,通过政府、产业、技术、社会等方面的综合努力,才能为民营经济的持续、健康发展提供动力。 The private economy is an essential part of our national economy. Its operation and development are affected by many factors such as the external environment and its own conditions. Only by starting from the inside and outside at the same time, can we provide impetus for the sustained and healthy development of the privately operated economy through the comprehensive efforts of the government, industry, technology and society.