祝安尼,一九五零年生于上海。自幼喜画,终日不辍。中学毕业后去黑龙江生产建设兵团八年。回京后一直在西城区少年宫从事美术教学。其间在教育学院进修。 六、七十年代,随尹瘦石、庞墨染、高庄三先生学画,受益匪浅。
I wish Annie, born in 1950 in Shanghai. Happy painting since childhood, stop working all day long. After graduating from high school to Heilongjiang Production and Construction Corps for eight years. Back to Beijing has been engaged in art teaching Xicheng District Children’s Palace. During the education college education. Sixties and seventies, with Yin Shouchu, Pang ink, Mr. Gao Zhuangsan painting, benefit a lot.