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鸦片战争前1个多世纪,清政府实行了日趋严厉的闭关锁国政策,不仅造成了中国广大下层群众对外部世界的蒙昧无知,而且也使统治阶级本身自食恶果,以致于出现了“中国官府,全不知外国之政事.又不询问考求,故至今仍不知西洋”的可悲局面。1840年,大英帝国的远征军用洋枪洋炮 More than a century before the Opium War, the Qing government imposed an increasingly severe policy of “closing its doors to its own country and locked the country,” not only ignoring the ignorance of the vast majority of the Chinese lower masses in the outside world, but also causing the ruling class itself to suffer its own evil. As a result, “the Chinese government, I do not know anything about foreign affairs, and I did not ask for an examination, so I still do not know the Western situation. ” In 1840, the expeditionary force of the British Empire used foreign gun artillery
1.研究目的 “证候”一词是中医学所独有的重要名词术语。中医主张先辨证后施治,可见能否正确认识、理解证候概念和本质,将直接影响到临床疗效。为此,长期以来有关证候方面的
[目的/意义]通过调研关联数据的研究文献,分析关联数据的研究的主题结构与研究进展。[方法/过程]综合采用文献综述方法、文献计量方法与可视化工具对Web of Science中的关联