病例:女,55岁。四年前无意中触及右下腹部有一拳头大小肿物,无疼痛及其它不适。近半年肿物明显增大伴尿频,来院治疗,经门诊入外科。结婚30余年,生子女4人均健,月经15 (3-5)/(28-31)50,无痛经史。检查体温、血压均正常,心肺无异常。专科见腹部膨隆,肝脾不大,中下腹部可扪及35cm×35cm肿物,质中,无压痛,表面光滑,可稍移动,边界清楚,叩诊呈实音。X线胸
Case: Female, 55 years old. Four years ago inadvertently touched the right lower abdomen has a fist size of the tumor, no pain and other discomfort. Nearly half of the tumor was significantly increased with frequent urination, to hospital treatment, outpatient surgery. Married more than 30 years, 4 children have a healthy child, menstruation 15 (3-5) / (28-31) 50, no history of dysmenorrhea. Check the body temperature, blood pressure are normal, no abnormal heart and lungs. Specialist to see the abdominal bulging, liver and spleen is not large, palpable in the lower abdomen and 35cm × 35cm tumor mass, no tenderness, the surface is smooth, can move slightly, the boundary is clear, percussion was solid tone. X-ray chest