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由中国新闻教育学会主持召开的全国新闻理论教育讨论会,1986年10月20日至25日在解放军南京政治学院召开。与会代表来自全国三十六所高等院校,重点讨论了当代新闻理论教学面临的任务,存在的问题以及如何改革新闻理论教学体系问题。现将会议讨论和书面发言中提出的问题及主要观点概述如下。一、关于新闻理论教学的地位新闻理论教学的好坏,对培养合格的新闻人才具有举足轻重的作用,对新闻工作的实践会发生直接的影响。与会同 The National Journalism Theory Education Seminar, chaired by China Society of Journalism and Education, was held in Nanjing PLA Political Science Institute from October 20 to 25, 1986. Delegates from all 36 colleges and universities in China focused on the contemporary journalism theory teaching tasks, problems and how to reform the journalism theory teaching system. The issues and key points raised in the discussion and written statements are summarized as follows. First, the status of teaching on the theory of journalism The theory of journalism teaching is good or bad, to train qualified journalists has a pivotal role in the practice of journalism will have a direct impact. With the same
药rn2004年7月27日 星期二rn如果一句话可以作为一剂药,治好一个人的苦痛的话,那么今天的我很偶然,很愉快地服下了这样一剂良药.rn
本试验于 2003~2004 年在安徽农业大学教学试验农场大田进行,利用禾本科牧草小黑麦、豆科牧草紫花苜蓿分别与 3 龄左右幼龄茶树进行间作,研究了“茶-草” 复合生态系统的生态生理特性及牧草产量。结果表明: 1、与单作小黑麦相比,茶草间作系统中小黑麦的光合生理特性差异较小;但间作对茶树的光合特性影响较大,能显著缓解茶树叶片在春夏季节的光合“午休”现象。 在不同处理中小黑麦叶片的叶绿素含量和净光合
Aim:To investigate whether the combination of fluvastatin and Iosartan synergistically relieve atherosclerosis and plaque inflammation induced by a high-cholest