那一天,我驾驶着一辆北京吉普车,到遥远的山村去接女儿。女儿看到我时,欢快地拍着小手说:“汽车的前轮是手,后轮是腿,跑起来像小白兔。” 女儿出生在乡村,如今又在山村上小学,长期跟她的外公外婆过着相依为命的生活。有时,顶着烈日跟外公、外婆上山打柴、割草;有时,冒着绵绵细雨跟他们到树林里找蘑菇;有时,到菜地里看外公、外婆辛勤劳作……山村里的孩子,自然认识许许多多城里的孩子喊不出名字的飞禽、走兽、小花和小草,
That day, I was driving a Beijing jeep, went to the remote mountain village to pick up her daughter. When she saw me, the daughter clapped her hand happily and said: “The front wheel of the car is a hand, the rear wheel is a leg and runs like a white rabbit.” The daughter was born in the village and is now in her elementary school in the mountain village, Grandpa and grandma live a dependent life. Sometimes, against the hot sun and grandfather, grandmother up the hill firewood, mowing; sometimes braved the rain with them to the woods looking for mushrooms; sometimes to the vegetable fields to see grandfather, grandmother hard work ... ... mountain village children, Naturally aware of many children in the city can not name the birds, animals, flowers and grass,