要保护儿童视力,家长应注意下列四个要点: 一、阅读和书写要养成良好的用眼习惯。主要是距离要合适。眼与书相距1尺左右为宜。姿势要端正。桌椅的高低要适当,书本坡度在12°—15°之间较好;走路、躺卧和坐车均不应看书。要有充足、适当的光线。不要在很强的日光和昏暗的灯光、月光下阅读。时间也不要过长。阅读半小时左右应招头向远处眺望片刻,超过1小时应休息10—15分钟。
To protect children’s vision, parents should pay attention to the following four points: First, reading and writing to develop good habits with the eyes. The main distance to be appropriate. Eye and book about 1 foot away from appropriate. Poses to correct. The height of the tables and chairs should be appropriate, the book slope between 12 ° -15 ° better; walking, lying down and the car should not read. Have adequate, appropriate light. Do not read in the strong sunlight and dim light, the moonlight. Time should not be too long. Reading half an hour or so should move to the distant view of a moment, more than 1 hour should rest for 10-15 minutes.