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在高价值混凝土的制备中,混凝土搅拌站不再仅仅依靠经验来调节水灰比。为了保持所配制混凝土具有相同的质量,每次配料混合的加水量都必须重新确定。在自动化生产过程中,只有测量出石子,尤其是砂子的水分,才能准确确定加水量。本文介绍了在料仓出口或混凝土搅拌机内使用的几种不同水分测量装置。 In the preparation of high-value concrete, concrete mixing stations no longer rely solely on experience to adjust the water-cement ratio. In order to maintain the same quality of the concrete that is formulated, the amount of water added for each batch must be redetermined. In the automated production process, only measuring the water, especially sand, can accurately determine the amount of water. This article describes several different moisture measurement devices used in silos outlets or concrete mixers.
中图分类号:G415文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2007)06-126-01    江泽民同志曾强调指出,“现在不把贩毒、吸毒问题解决掉,从某种意义上说,是涉及到中华民族兴衰的问题。这不是危言耸听,必须提高到这样的高度来认识。”禁毒斗争是全民族的一件大事,要在全国范围内广泛开展禁毒教育和禁毒斗争。青少年是国家的希望和未来,对他们进行毒品预防教育,让他们拒绝毒品,珍爱生命,关注和爱护