赚钱九法: 一、学会与别人合作。记住你不可能是位全才,要学会不纠缠鸡毛蒜皮的小事,巨大的财富通常是有妙招的人同多才多艺的智者通力合作的结果。 二、果断。学会迅速地审时度势。快速决断能够使你占据领先优势。 三、持之以恒,成功者往往是持之以恒、埋头苦干的人,一个专于目标并致力于此的人。 四、对新观点、新事物要保持灵敏头脑。随身携带一个简便笔记本,随时记下你所发现的赚钱之道。有时间时加以整理,也许会发现几个方法合在一起,就可以得出一个有价值的方案,然后迅速开始实施你的计
Nine ways to make money: First, learn to cooperate with others. Remember that you can not be a talented person and learn to keep things simple. A huge fortune is usually the result of a concerted effort with a versatile Wise man. Second, decisive. Learn to quickly assess the situation. Quick decision can make you occupy the lead. Third, perseverance, success is often perseverance, hard work, a goal-oriented and dedicated to this person. Fourth, new ideas, new things to keep a sensitive mind. Keep a handy notebook at your fingertips and keep track of what you’ve found to make money. When you have time to sort it out, you may find several ways to work together to come up with a worthwhile solution and get up to speed quickly