Film and television show Hualu Baina (300291) The company is a domestic first-line TV production company, since its establishment, into the filming stage of the show have finally been issued a permit, investment production success rate of 100%. A quarterly advance notice showed a profit of 1860.195 million yuan, an increase of 500%! 529% over the same period of the previous year. The business income mainly came from TV series, in which the “Everlasting Numbering” was sold for 2.5 million episodes. The company plans to produce 10-13 TV series in 2012, an increase of 25%! 63%. Huayi Brothers (300027) 2011 annual report disclosed that in 2011 the company TV drama and derivative business revenue of 382 million yuan, an increase of 18.21% over the same period last year, the main business accounted for 42.81%, the newly added revenue of the TV series is 12 . Cinema main income of 43.9113 million yuan, an increase of 461.13%. The company announced the movie “H”. Apart from “Global Love,” “Starry Sky” was released during the reporting period. The rest of the films will be released in 2012 and the core film will generate sales revenue in 2012.