1988年发起全球消灭脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)倡议行动。印度于1995年开始启动消灭脊灰活动,那时估计每年发生5万例脊灰。至2006年,除了阿富汗、印度、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦之外,全球所有国家都已阻断了本土脊灰野病毒(Wild Poliovirus,WPV)的传播。2006~2009年,印度每年报告559~874例WPV确诊病例,主要来自印度北部比哈尔邦和北方邦。这些病例为此期间全球报告WPV确诊病例的43%。然而,2010年印度仅报告了42例WPV确诊
The Global Polio Eradication (Polio) Initiative was launched in 1988. India started the polio eradication campaign in 1995, when it estimated that 50,000 polio occurred each year. By 2006, with the exception of Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan, all countries in the world have blocked the spread of the native wild poliovirus (WPV). From 2006 to 2009, India reported 559 ~ 874 cases of WPV diagnosed each year, mainly from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in northern India. These cases were the 43% of the worldwide confirmed cases of WPV reported during this period. However, in 2010 India reported only 42 cases of WPV confirmed