A Personal Victory of Chinese Wo men 中国女性的个人胜利

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  Chinese women are becoming more independent1 and shedding2 the traditional image of just being wives and mothers, said a new study that followed their online shopping habits. Female consumers are spending big on boxing gloves and tool kits3, items that were once viewed as highly manly, according to Tmall, the country’s largest business-to-customer site. Workout is becoming more and more popular among China’s middle-income earners4. It’s reported that sales of women-tailored boxing gloves increased 75 percent year-on-year. There is a women’s fervor5 for running. The number of female buyers for running shoes, tops and shorts increased rapidly.
  It’s shown that young women are beginning to value a healthy lifestyle over expensive goods. Natural foods have become the new favorites among those born after 1990. Women in their mid-20s and below spent more on eye gels6 and creams, because they pay more attention on keeping sensitive7 skin around the eyes.
  “This is a personal victory, a choice to be comfortable, and a self-liberating8 move,” said Jia Luo, the general manager for marketing at Tmall.
  In terms of family work, modern women have chosen some machines to do housework for them. Machines like smart dishwashers and cleaning robots are gaining special attention among married women.
  Still, many women please themselves by buying bags and lipsticks9. Some 350,000 women bought one bag or more per month on Tmall, while 3 million women placed orders for at least 5 lipsticks throughout the year.
  What Chinese women want is a more healthy life. They will continue to pursue10 products that are natural and healthy.


  1. independent adj. 独立的;自主的
  2. shed vt. 除掉;使脱落
  3. kit n. 成套工具;装备
  4. earner n. 挣工薪者
  5. fervor n. 热诚;热心
  6. gel n. [物化] 凝胶,胶体
  7. sensitive adj. 敏感的;感觉的
  8. liberate vt. 解放;放出;释放
  9. lipstick n. 口红;唇膏
  10. pursue v. 追求
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