Iris early spring flowers, reproduction rate is low. Application of MS + 6-BA1 ~ 2mg / L + IBA0.5 ~ 1mg / L + 3% sucrose is suitable for rapid growth of tissue culture of Cynanchum. However, the levels of endogenous hormones in iris varieties are not the same, but affect the time of differentiation, German tail tail from the need of inoculation - differentiation for 20 days, French iris need 25 days, Italian tail and swallowtail need more than 30 days. Application of 1 / 2MS + IBA0.5 ~ 1mg / L + NAA0.5 ~ 1mg / L +1.5% sucrose +0.3% activated carbon is suitable for inducing rooting and induces 5 ~ 6 rooting per plant. After the use of vermiculite into the leaf mold soil: sandy soil 1: 1 mixed soil transplanting 75% to 100% survive.