Through the study of the relationship between meteorological factors and the incidence of larch deciduous disease and the analysis of the role of the selected meteorological factors in each month, we determined the precipitation in June and July, the average relative humidity and the average air temperature in April and May as the disease test factor. The prediction formula of the current year is y = b_0 + b_1x_1 + b_2x_2 ...... + b_ (12) x_ (12) (x_1, x_2 ...... x_ (12) is the observed value of the forecasted 1-12 years; b_0, b_1 b_ (12) is the corresponding regression coefficient). The prediction index of illness index established by the historical data of the province for 23 years is y = 68.31-1.68x_1-0.5638x_2 + 0.36x_3 (x_1, x_2, x_3 are respectively temperature, humidity and precipitation forecast Value); the predicted incidence area of the province y = (- 0.13325 +0.00533x) Sy (type, x is the index of disease index; Sy for the province of young Larix plantation area). According to the proportion of disease area in each region, and the percentage of light, moderate and severe cases in each region, the area of disease and the area of mild, moderate and severe disease can be predicted. Should be prevention and treatment area as the most important, mid-level disease area and 20% of the total area of mild disease.