“麻屋子,红帐子,里面住个白胖子。”细心的小朋友一定猜到了,这是花生。 剥开带有坑坑点点的花生壳,去掉里面红色的花生内衣,就是白胖胖、香喷喷的花生仁了。你知道吗,花生是生长在土里的。花生的学名叫落花生,这是因为像豆棵一样的花生秧,开了小黄花,授粉之后,花蕊中的子房迅速生长并下垂钻入土中,发育成果实。所以,人们称它为落花生。 花生浑身都是宝。花生叶子可以治失眠、神经衰弱。花生壳
“Ma house, the red account, which live a white fat.” Careful children must have guessed it is peanuts. Peeled peanut shells with a little bit of pit, remove the red peanut underwear, is fat, fragrant peanut. Did you know that peanuts are grown in the earth? Peanut’s scientific name is peanut, which is because the peanut seed like bean, opened a small yellow flower, after pollination, the stamens in the stamens grow rapidly and drooping into the soil, the development of fruit. So, people call it peanuts. Peanut whole body is treasure. Peanut leaves can cure insomnia, neurasthenia. Peanut shells