在创立“音乐传真”(Musical Fidelity)的初期,Antony Michaelson 已经确定了自己的经营宗旨和方针,就是要用最低成本制造出拥有丰富音乐感和杰出表现的音响器材。当 A1合并机在1986年正式推出国际市场时,简直是平地一声雷,取得了极高的声誉。直到今天仍然有人认为它是合并放大器的经典作品。到了1996年,“音乐传真”推出了改良自 A1的 A2,把原来给人比较单调的外形包装改为线条具有美感而幽雅大方的现代化外表。后来“音乐传真”还推出了一部外形精致可爱的真空管输出级 X-10D,且获得空前的成功,叫好又叫座。自此,以“X”之名的产品鱼贯诞生,标志着 X 世代的降临。
Early in the founding of Musical Fidelity, Antony Michaelson had set out its business philosophy and strategy of producing audio equipment with rich musicality and outstanding performance at the lowest possible cost. When the A1 merger was officially launched in 1986, it was a flat thunder and achieved a very high reputation. Until today, some people still think it is a classic work of amplifier. By 1996, “Music Fax” introduced A2, which was improved from A1, and replaced the original monotonous package with a modern, elegant and elegant appearance. Later, “Music Fax” also introduced an exquisite appearance of the vacuum tube output level X-10D, and unprecedented success, acclaimed and sequel. Since then, the birth of a product named “X” has marked the advent of Gen X.