比尔简介 比尔现任国际排联技术委员会委员,国际排联高级讲师;曾在82年至84年担任美国男排主教练,率美国男排从82年世锦赛第13名,一跃为84年奥运会第一名,后从事美国职业联赛的管理工作。本文以他来华讲课时的内容为依据整理而成。
About Bill Bill is currently a member of the FIVB International Technology Committee, a senior Lecturer in FIVA. He served as a U.S. men’s volleyball coach from 1982 to 1984 and led the US men’s volleyball team from 13th in the 82nd World Championship to 84th in the Olympic Games First place, after the management of the United States League. This article is based on the contents of his lecture in China.