乡村是我国农村的基层组织,村级档案工作也是我国档案工作的一个重要组成部分.通过对我县永正乡庙沟村档案整理和其它乡村调查,村级档案管理比较混乱,损失严重.亟待加强. 1.档案资料丢失严重.农村实行承包责任制后,财权下放,财产出售了.档案也无处存放和保管,形成一些人各自保管经手过的文件和会计资料.收文和发文一般无收发文登记簿,使收来和发出的文件无据可查,造成丢失严重.如在庙
Village is the grass-roots organization in rural areas of our country, and village-level archives work is also an important part of our archives work.Through the archives and other village surveys of Miaogou Village, Yongzheng Township, our county, the village-level archives management is quite chaotic and the loss is serious. Strengthen the file. 1 serious loss of file information. Rural contractual responsibility system, decentralization of property, the sale of property files are nowhere to be deposited and custody, the formation of a number of people to keep their own files and accounting documents. Wen register, so that the receipt and issue of documents no basis to be found, resulting in serious loss, as in the temple