地处太行山腹地的邢台县将军墓镇南沟门村,是一个由乱到治、由穷变富的典型。该村556口人,290亩耕地,山场面积4700亩。8年前,人均收入不足百元,而今达到1800元,半瘫痪的村领导班子,如今跨入市级先进党支部行列。追忆沧桑巨变,大家都夸党支部书记王德英这杆“帅旗”树得正。 “王德英是条硬汉子!”熟知根底的人都这样说。他20岁就领着建筑队走南闯北。27岁担任了村委会主任。1987年,29岁的王德英受镇党委重托,放弃年收入
Located in the hinterland of the Taihang Mountains Xingtai County General Tomb Town Nangou Mencun, is a from chaos to rule, from poor to rich typical. The village of 556 people, 290 acres of arable land, mountainous area 4700 mus. Eight years ago, per capita income was less than one hundred yuan and now reaches 1,800 yuan. The semi-paralyzed village leadership has now entered the ranks of advanced party branches at the municipal level. Remembrance of the vicissitudes vicissitudes, we all praise party secretary Wang Deying this pole “handsome flag ” tree is positive. “Wang Deying is a tough guy!” Well-known people say so. He was 20 years old and led the construction team to go south. 27-year-old served as director of the village committee. In 1987, 29-year-old Wang Deying entrusted by the town party committees to give up their annual income