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教科书是教科书出版单位核心内容资源,教科书的著作权是教科书出版单位的核心知识产权。著作权的人身权给教科书出版单位带来品牌影响,教科书的财产权给出版单位带来经济利益。因此,了解、分析、规划、管理和运营著作权,对于教科书出版单位而言,其重要性非同一般。本文从中小学教科书著作权现状分析、中小学教科书著作权价值及其实现、中小学教科书著作权管理与运营三个方面进行论述,以期对教科书出版单位的著作权管理工作有些许参考价值。 Textbooks are the core content of textbook publishing unit resources, textbooks textbook publishing unit is the core of intellectual property rights. The personal rights of copyright bring the brand influence to the textbook publishing unit, and the property right of the textbook brings economic benefits to the publishing unit. Therefore, understanding, analyzing, planning, managing and operating copyrights is of extraordinary importance to textbook publishers. This article analyzes the status quo of textbooks in primary and secondary schools, the value of textbooks in primary and secondary schools and their realization, the management and operation of copyright in textbooks in primary and secondary schools, with a view to giving some reference to the copyright management of textbook publishers.