The spillover effect of technological innovation creates the dilemma of lack of innovation and social welfare. On the one hand, the spillover effect drives the social welfare to the maximum while the innovator’s welfare is impaired, resulting in a lack of renewed impetus. On the other hand, restraining the spillover effect and maintaining the innovator’s monopoly income will undermine consumer welfare and endanger the society Welfare optimization. Is there an optimal spillover rate to reconcile the two contradictions? Or in the welfare allocation criteria, to meet one of the best, compensation for the other party’s loss. From the perspective of innovators and imitators, this paper tries to explore the optimal technological innovation spillover rate through theoretical discussion and mathematical simulation within the framework of dynamic optimization and Pareto standard, in order to weigh the innovation return and spillover return, The largest total social income. The research shows that the spillover rate of technological innovation can not coincide with the innovation, imitation and the social profit maximization. The dynamic change of spillover rate over time affects the technology spillover, imitation cost and tripartite revenue. The optimal spillover rate of social welfare should be “ Third party ”compensation mechanism design, the implementation of government compensatory portfolio policy to make up for the loss of innovators and to maintain and then continue innovation.