“求生畏死” ,人类天性也。然而在云南丽江 ,无以计数的纳西族青年男女 ,他们浓妆盛服、长歌曼舞 ,群体含笑赴死。殉情———从17世纪就开始在纳西族普遍流行的这种社会风气 ,使纳西族蒙上了“悲剧的民族”、“悲剧的人民”这独一无二的名声 ;纳西族聚居的丽江 ,也被人们称?
“Survival,” human nature also. However, in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, countless Naxi young men and women, they make-up, singing and dancing, groups smile to death. Died for love --- Since the 17th century began in the Naxi popular this kind of social ethos, Naxi people cast a “tragic nation”, “tragedy of the people” this unique reputation; Naxi living in Lijiang, was also People say?