在日本长野冬奥会,IBM抢尽了风头。其投资规模之巨是任何其他公司,包括Eastman Kodak和CocaCola等享誉盛名的企业所望尘莫及的。但是,巨额投资却有可能让IBM血本无归。 IBM一手操办了整修控制系统,雇佣了800多名来自不同国家的工人不分昼夜地为冬奥会安装了5000台计算机,这套控制系统囊括了大会的方方面面,小至公交车班次表,大至大型障碍滑雪记分和用10种语言发送E-mail。在亚特兰大的奥运会上,Armonk公司因其记分系统出现故障而大献其丑,舆论媒体一时颇多微词。IBM吸取前车之鉴,在系统的可靠性、准确性方面投入了大量人力、物力,其复杂程度也是前所未
In Japan, Nagano Winter Olympics, IBM snatched the limelight. The scale of its investment is hugely unmatched by any other company, including reputable companies such as Eastman Kodak and CocaCola. However, a huge investment is likely to make IBM lose everything. IBM has run a refurbishment control system, hiring more than 800 workers from different countries day and night for the Olympic Winter Games installed 5000 computers, the control system includes all aspects of the General Assembly, as small as the bus schedule, large Ski scores to large slalom and send E-mail in 10 languages. At the Olympics in Atlanta, Armonk blames unceasingly on its scoring system, and public opinion media have been a bit of a buzzword for a while. IBM draw lessons learned, in the system reliability, accuracy has invested a lot of manpower and material resources, its complexity is unprecedented