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强流脉冲电子束表面改性过程中熔化层尺寸是改性效果的衡量指标之一。针对改性中不同束流情况引发的温度场和融化层情况进行了仿真研究。通过对温度场变化等结果的分析,发现仅增加辐照次数不能有效增加熔化层尺寸。在总功率、辐照时间等不变的情况下可以对束斑的电流分布进行控制来实现熔化层控制。对束斑直径聚焦的仿真显示束斑尺寸对熔化层熔深熔宽均有较大影响,熔深随着束斑增大有减小趋势,熔宽则在一定束斑直径下有最大值。同时发现优化电子束电流分布是获得特定熔池尺寸的有效方法。 The size of the melted layer during the surface modification of a pulsed high-current pulsed electron beam is one of the measures of the modification effect. The temperature field and the melting layer caused by different beam currents in the modification are simulated. Through the analysis of the change of temperature field and other results, it was found that only increasing the number of irradiation can not effectively increase the size of the melt layer. The control of the melt layer can be achieved by controlling the current profile of the beam spot under the same total power and irradiation time. The simulation of beam spot diameter shows that the beam spot size has a significant effect on the melting depth of the melted layer. The penetration depth decreases with the increase of the beam spot size, while the melting width has a maximum value under a certain beam spot diameter. At the same time, it is found that optimizing the beam current distribution is an effective method to obtain the size of a specific weld pool.
最好就地解决水问题  “海绵”的概念最早是由澳大利亚人口研究学者Budge提出。他应用海绵来比喻城市对人口的吸附现象。近年来,更多的是将海绵用以比喻城市或土地的雨涝调
挪威国家石油公司将在世界上第一个漂浮风力发电场---苏格兰海岸风力发电场,安装锂电池存储系统.rn挪威国家石油公司已经和苏格兰政府、 海上可再生能源机构、 苏格兰企业签