悟道,是赏石者的最大乐趣。赏石不但能赏心悦目,还能悟出许多人生哲理,所以人类越文明,赏石的人就越多。前几天和几位石友一起欣赏一块神奇的硅化木,大家从保存完好的树木形态中,感悟到了蕴含其中的自然界的奥秘和人生哲理。据介绍,这块硅化木产自新疆,纹理、年轮清晰,上有树杈的结节,外形极像一艘久经风雨的小船,大概70cm×30cm×30cm的块头,应算作标准石(图1)。而石体上展现的1 8条玉化虫子(图2、图3)、6窝虫卵、虫屎、虫道等细节令人徒生感慨。
Enlightenment, is the greatest pleasure for rockers. Stones are not only pleasing to the eye, but also to understand many philosophy of life, so the more civilized mankind, the more stone people. A few days ago and a few stone friends to enjoy a magical wood, everyone from the well-preserved tree morphology, the perception of which contains the mysteries of nature and philosophy of life. According to reports, this piece of silicified wood produced in Xinjiang, texture, clear ring, there are tree nodules, looks like a very stormy boat, about 70cm × 30cm × 30cm of the block, should be counted as the standard stone (figure 1). The stone body to show 18 jade insects (Figure 2, Figure 3), 6 nest eggs, insects, insects and other details make people feel uncomfortable.