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为了认真贯彻股份有限公司国有股权管理的有关法规及通知,进一步加强和规范国有股权管理工作,维护国有股权益,现对有关问题作如下通知: 一、国有股权管理审批程序 (一)国有资产占用单位发起设立或国有资产占用单位改建成立股份有限公司并发行境内上市内资股(A股)时,国有股权由地方有关单位持有的,国有股权管理事宜由地方国有资产管理部门逐级审核后,报省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市国有资产管理部门审批,审批文件报国家国有资产管理局备案;国有股权由中央有关单位持有的,国有股权管理事宜由中央企业主管部门审核后,报国家国有资产管理局审批。国家和各省级国有资产管理部 In order to conscientiously implement the relevant regulations and notices on the management of state-owned shares of the company limited by shares, further strengthen and standardize the management of state-owned stock rights and safeguard the rights and interests of state-owned shares, we hereby make the following notifications on relevant issues: 1. Approval procedures for state-owned equity management (1) State-owned assets occupation unit When the establishment of state-owned assets or the establishment of a state-owned assets occupation unit reforms and the issuance of domestic listed domestic shares (A shares), the state-owned equity is held by local units, and the state-owned equity management is reviewed by the local state-owned assets management department. The state-owned asset management departments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning examination and approval shall submit the examination and approval documents to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau of the State for record; the state-owned shares shall be held by the relevant central government units, and the state-owned equity management matters shall be reviewed by the competent department of the central government and reported to the state-owned enterprises. Asset Management Approval. National and provincial state-owned assets management department
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1、指标分解到人 要抓好班组成本核算工作,必须把好指标分解关,总的要人人肩上有“指标”,人人手上有“斤两”。在指标分解上,基本是采用“两步法”。第一步,明确车间下达的
1 产品的标准水平先进,实物质量水平达标虽然吉林铁合金厂产品执行的国家标准基本都被认定为国际先进水平和国际一般水平,但为了确保产品质量的提高和稳定发展,我厂主要产品
一、国有企业改制中银行债权流失的表现形式 1.在松散型企业集团划小独立核算单位时,借转制之名,逃避银行债务。在划小核算单位的过程中,出现了企业和地方政府联手将资产集
孟山都近日宣布其棉花新品种(Bollgard Ⅱ Roundup Ready Flex)已经获得巴西当局批准进行销售。该品种能够抵抗多种鳞翅目害虫,比起第一代棉花品种具有更广的杀虫谱。与此同
要使自己的产品有竞争力,必须在四个方面下功夫。 一、确保功能满足 产品好不好,很大程度上是看能否满足用户需求的功能。功能强、满足程度高,竞争力越大。要确保功能,首要